General Information


Students are required to attend school regularly and punctually. School commences at 8.55am with a Home Group meeting. All students must attend this meeting to allow rolls to be marked and information concerning the day to be passed on. Students move directly from Home Group Meeting to first period. Each day is divided into 6 x 50 minute periods. On Thursday students start with an extended Home Group then 6 x 45 minute periods. Please see here for more information.


Students arriving late to school need to report to the office and sign in before going to class.


Permission to leave the college grounds

Students are the responsibility of the school during the day and cannot leave the school grounds without permission. If a student needs to leave school for an appointment during the day, a note must be given to the Home Group Teacher at morning Home Group. The main office must be informed prior to leaving.


Signing In

Any student who arrives at school after Home Group meeting has finished, must “sign in” at the office. A note should be given to the office staff.


Signing Out

Any student who has followed the correct procedure and is then given permission to leave the college grounds, must “sign out” at the office.



Students will be assigned a locker at the discretion of the school. These lockers are the responsibility of the student as is any damage caused by the student.


Personal Property


All books, requisites and clothing should be clearly labeled. Students are responsible for their own property. School insurance does not cover the personal property of students.




Students who ride to school must store their bicycles in the racks provided. It is each student’s responsibility to provide a locking device, to prevent misuse by other students or theft by people outside the school. All students must wear helmets when riding bicycles to and from school. No student is allowed to borrow another student’s bike.


School Publication


The Nathalia Secondary College Newsletter is published fortnightly and is circulated via email or available on the website. This newsletter is provided to keep parents informed about up coming events, school issues and student achievements. 


Camps and Excursions


School camps are organized for the Years 7 to 10. Students from all levels participate in excursions that are organised by classroom teachers or as whole-school events. School camps and excursions are a privilege and not a right.

Students will only be included in camps if their behavior and cooperation are beyond reproach.


Physical Education


Physical Education is considered to be an important part of the curriculum at Nathalia Secondary College. All students must participate at Years 7 to 10.

Students must wear their sports uniform or bring a change of clothes to participate in all practical lessons.


Student Representative Council


The SRC at Nathalia Secondary College aims to raise money for worthy causes such as Genes for Genes Day, Daffodil Day and Red Nose Day. The SRC consists of student representatives from each year level. Students take on roles such as President, Vice President and Treasurer. The SRC sponsor a child in Kenya through Plan International. The SRC is also a forum in which suggestions from students may be debated.


Student Welfare


One of the big advantages of being in a small school in a small, country community is that we can provide support for individual student welfare in a way that is not possible in a larger more impersonal community. Sometimes students would like to be a little more anonymous when we get to hear about activities that they thought they had got away with, but that is one of the joys of living in a rural community.


All of our staff are trained to provide educational and other support for students that is appropriate to their individual needs. We have a system of Home Group teachers and Pupil Welfare staff designed to provide support when it is needed. Students and parents are encouraged and welcome to talk to individual teachers, Home Group teachers, Welfare coordinators or the Principal and Assistant Principal about any matters of concern.


We feel that it is important that we take advantage of the opportunity we have to be a truly caring community and we take seriously our “Personal Responsibility Policy” which is based on the twin concerns for the rights and responsibilities of individuals balanced by the need to care for all parts of the school community.


School Leader


Students from Year 12 are elected as School Leaders each year, through the process of application. School Leaders conduct school assemblies, represent the school at various functions, and generally work with the SRC to represent the students.



Frequently Asked Questions


I want to order my lunch:
Go to the canteen during recess, write your order on a brown bag, pay and then collect your order at lunch time.   


I am absent from school:
Your parents need to explain any absences via email, PAM or contacting the office. This is required by the Department of Education and for VCE there is an attendance requirement for satisfactory completion of each unit of work.


Youth Allowance also runs regular checks on attendance and unexplained absences which can lead to removal of payments and even legal action to recover payments already made.


It is your responsibility to find out what work was missed during your absence and negotiate with your teachers about what you will need to do to catch up.


I have money at school, or valuable items/equipment:
We have very trustworthy students at our school and rarely have problems with theft. But if you have significant amounts of money to pay for excursions, camps etc., then pay it into the office as soon as you arrive at school. If you need money for lunchtime errands or for after school, give it to a teacher or to the office to look after it for you. If you have other valueable items you can ask the office to hold on to them for you.


I am leaving school (prior to completing Year 12):
You need to complete an exit and transfer form which is obtained from the office. If you purchased a BYOD laptop you will need to see the IT department to have the laptop reset to factory settings to ensure continued use.

© Nathalia Secondary College